Guida all'ascolto dei NEU! attraverso le testimonianze rilasciate da alcuni tra i musicisti che, con questo tributo, hanno reso omaggio alla band tedesca pioniera del kraut rock nonchè tra le piu influenti in ambito elettronico e rock. A completare una buona tracklist di b-side, rarità ed inediti troviamo anche una traccia del chitarrista dei Neu! Michael Rother e un inedito dei La Dusseldorf, un ultima registrazione a cui ha preso parte il batterista Klaus Dinger, poco prima della scomparsa nel Marzo 2008.

“I first started listening to NEU! in the early 90's. It was a little tragic for me because I discovered them for myself just before the original records became wildly expensive, but I was too broke to take advantage of it! I bought the first LP only, and it was all I could listen to of theirs until the reissues started surfacing a few years later. In a way, I'm glad, because I developed such a strong relationship with that first record—so much that the next 2 I bought were a total surprise--sounded completely different to me! Now, of course, I hear the continuity, but I loved how my relationship to the music expanded over years rather than in the mad rush I would have had if there were an internet with music... it was more personal. And that's what it's supposed to be, right?”
Bobby Gillespie / PRIMAL SCREAM:
“Winter 1999........Me & Mani see an incredible Iggy show on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. "I've been struck by lightning" Mani said: "It doesn't get any better than this" I thought. We said thanks & goodbye to our friend Joss then got in a fast car & headed down the autobahn to Cologne. The soundtrack to our journey was Neu! 1 & Neu! 2. The combination of pure amphetamine sulphate & the relentless pulsing driving guitar & drums of Rother & Dinger had us both in a state of total joy. Neu! make perfect dream music. As we hit the Ruhr Valley huge factories blew smoke & fire into the sky, ripping a hole in the night. We didn't want the journey to end. I think that the music that Klaus Dinger & Michael Rother made as Neu! is heroic. Along with their producer Conny Plank they created a new sound & style. Pop, but experimental. Futuristic and uncompromising and always going forward. Their record sleeves & graphics pre-dated & anticipated punk/post punk. Day-glo/ bright/ minimal /clean/ no mess/ straight to the point. I hope that this album turns more people onto the music of Neu! They really are great.”

Lee Ranaldo / SONIC YOUTH:

Lee Ranaldo / SONIC YOUTH:
"NEU!: aural visionary minimalist icons in a wilderness of psychedelia and beyond, inspired us with their heroic beats and flat-out grooves on the expressway to our collective skulls."
Noel Gallagher / OASIS:
'My current new favourite German band of all time. Proper tour bus music. Spiritual!!'
“The records Neu! left us are an antidote to everything that I don't like in music. Their LPs will never sound anything other than unique and timeless.”
"Always NEU!"
“What can be said about Neu! (or any other great band, for that matter)? - It's best to approach music un-burdened with silly music journalism and listen for yourself. It will be obvious why they are important.”

'Eelectro Karaoke'
'Shoot Speed'
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