MP3:”Sugarman”(Sixto Rodriguez cover)
>From:Belfast, Northern Ireland
>Taken from the album “David Holmes presents the Free Association”(2003)
>Label:Mercury Records
>File under:DavidHolmes,GrimeBlues,Electronic
MP3:”I Can Only Give You Everything”
>From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
>Taken from the classic album “Them Again” (1966)
>File under:Beck’s “Devils Haircut”,R’n’B
MP3:”I Can Only Give You Everything”
>From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
>Taken from the classic album “Them Again” (1966)
>File under:Beck’s “Devils Haircut”,R’n’B

MP3:”No Place To Go”
>Taken from the last album “Songs For Faraway Lovers” (2006)
>Label:Dischi della Valigetta
>File under:Delta Blues,Rock’n’Roll

MP3:”The Ghosts Of Dragstrip Hollow”
>From:Windsor, England
>Taken from the new album “Wrong Meeting II” (2007)
>File under:ElectroBlues,Bluegrass

MP3:”Highway 61 Revisited”(Bob Dylan cover)
>From:New York City, Usa
>Taken from the soundtrack of “I’m Not There” movie
>Label:Sony Music
>File under:FolkPop,Blues

MP3:”Welfare Bread”
>From:Georgia, Usa
>Taken from the brand new album “What Is?”(2007)
>File under: Rythm and Blues,Funkk
Questa settimana vi salutiamo con una manciata di canzoni che hanno come comun denominatore il blues nelle sue molteplici forme.Novità,classici e rare perle degli anni passati (come Sugarman dei Free Association) selezionate esclusivamente per voi.
2 commenti:
e scusa lo spam ma perfettamente a tema con la serata di questa sera con billy childish live.
Se vuoi ti vengo a smantellare il locale a colpi di rock'n'roll!!
buona serata
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